About Us

Who we are?



AACB is dedicated to cater banking and insurance  requirements of our clients in UAE. We are a team of Financial experts who understand the needs of our clients and provide solutions that satisfy their needs. The company is managed by banking professionals with a collective experience of over 25 years.

Bankers who have experience working in different capacities with renowned banks in UAE came together to strengthen this venture.  AACB is a financial supermarket that provides one stop solution for all financial needs.

 AACB provides unbiased recommendations to our clients and help them choose the best product that suits their needs. We assist in business account opening, choosing credit cards, personal loans, insurance and investments.

We believe in combining technology and human analytical skills to market the products and services that we offer. We have a team of dedicated digital marketers and tele sales unit exclusively for lead generation. Our operations team does the financial analysis to avoid fraudulent and suspicious application.

We are committed to our service providers and customers equally. There is zero tolerance policy for miss selling and fraudulent activities. We practice transparency and honesty in our services. There is a separate risk management team for field verifications to ensure clean business.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)